Friday, April 24, 2009

T. Sean Collins; Barbados, West Indies Federation

Today, I interviewed T. Sean Collins. His job seemed to be some sort of bodyguard for celebrities. You couldn't tell by the look of him that he was a bodyguard; he was clean cut and didn't seem to be some crazed war veteran. I thought this sounds just like those high-maintinance celebrities thinking they need a bodyguard for a zombie war. Everyone was dying and one big tough guy wans't going to protect you from the thousands of zombies. Anyway, he was talking about all of these different celebrities that would pay him to just stand by them and make sure they didn't get bitten by a zombie. Without naming names, I was easily able to tell tell that some of these celebrities were Paris Hilton, Jeff Foxworthy, and Larry The Cable Guy. The real problems struck when T. Sean went to visit his boss's house. His place was a palace with high walls, motion sensors, dehydrated food, water, and weapons that if taken advantage of, could hold off the zombies forever. But the thing is, this guy put cameras all over his house and televised his whole experiences at his giant estate. So guess what happened when the zombies came? Yup, everyone came rushing to mister high rise and destroyed his house with nearly all of the celebrities dying in the process.

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