Friday, May 1, 2009

Gavin Blaire: Parnell Guard Base, Tennessee

Gavin was probably one of the most misleading individuals I have ever interviewed. After hearing her story, it was hard for me to believe that a woman this seemingly harmless could have gone through this much. She flew a Raptor FA-22 and her teams main objective was to deliver supplies to malnourished areas. Her and her partner where flying a routine flight when all of a sudden, the plane took a nose dive into the ground. Gavin luckily made it out alive. Her partner though got his parachute caught in a tree and was eaten alive by the zombies below. Just when she was about to give up on all hope, her radio started beeping. The person calling in was from the Skywatch system. Their job was to call in to pilots that had crashed and guide them to a rendezvous point or civilization. Along the way of her journey back, Gavin was given advice from "Mets Fan" such as not to go near cars, how to jump from a tree, and which direction to go. Such little advice was crutial to help Gavin make it out alive. At one point, Gavin broke her ankle by landing on a rock. Even with her hope in shambles, she was able to make it to the rendezvous point with the guidance of a watchful eye.

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